Wednesday 7 July 2010

Help! I have a Threenager!

Today has been one of *those* days. I think most parents will know what I mean, the kind of day that no-one warns you about pre-children, when it feels like someone has set your childs volume control to LOUD AND WHINGEY.

Moobles is three, she's always been, erm, strong-willed but since turning three it seems she's decided to up her game. This morning mostly consisted of her following me around the house whilst crying, or throwing a strop, or jumping on Velcro Boy. This meant that VB was even more velcro than usual thanks to his stroppy sister, which wound Moobles up even more and resulted in even more wailing.


Thankfully, Super Gran made an unexpected visit which perked everybody up a bit and gave me an excuse to escape the wailing for a few minutes as Super Gran needed tea and all the milk was off (I don't drink the yucky stuff, so was oblivious to it's cheesiness when I used it to make the kids breakfast, which might explain why they didn't eat it - whoops!)

They're both in bed now, Moobles is asleep, VB is rolling round in his cot poking his legs through the bars and talking to his blanket. The house is a pit, nevermind, tomorrow is another day!

(ps) the photo is not from today, but it reminds me that generally, she's lovely!

1 comment:

  1. I had a similar day today with S & A. Nice to feel like I am not alone in the whinging and trouser pulling department. Thanks x
